Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Does Soy Raise One's Estrogen Levels?

There has been a long debate over soy protein and whether or not it is good for you. Many bodybuilders and athletes will do their best to avoid soy, as it has long been known to raise estrogen. The thing is, soy does not actually raise estrogen, it raises your isoflavone levels. Isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors and mimic the effects of estrogen, so they can harmful to your health if you eat too much soy. Some people believe that soy is good for the prevention of breast cancer and lowering cholesterol, however studies have proved that soy isn't effective at preventing cancer or lowering cholesterol.

So, should you avoid soy all together for just eat it in moderation? Soy protein has been used to replace animal protein for centuries now, and vegetarians are very quick to point out that soy is a complete protein source - some even say it's better than animal protein. However, for an athlete or middle-aged man looking to raise testosterone levels, it isn't recommended that you eat soy protein. Just for the simple fact that it mimics estrogen and possibly lowers testosterone in the body.

For the vegetarian looking to pack on pounds of muscle, it can be diffiuclt as you don't have many choices for protein. Soy is the only complete protein source that doesn't come from meat or eggs, so you will probably have to stick with soy, but only eat it in moderation - not multiple times a day. There are many other types of beans which contain protein and you might want to eat them as much as possible.

If you aren't a vegetarian and you want to lower your estrogen levels then you should probably consider dropping soy from your diet, as it has the potential to harm your testosterone levels. Stick with whey protein, as it is the best source of protein. Casein protein is also great, especially as a before-bed protein shake. So ultimately, soy protein is inferior to other types of protein and should be avoided at all costs. For aging men who need to keep their testosterone levels optimal, it is not worth it to have all those isoflavones running through your body mimicking estrogen.

Symptoms of High Estrogen Levels in Men

Men with high levels of estrogen will certainly feel some side effects of the hormone imbalance, here are the symptoms of high estrogen levels in men. From muscle loss to depression and mood swings, high levels of estrogen will make a man feel more like a woman on her period. This is something that many men will experience as they get older and their testosterone levels drop, but even younger men have been reported to have high estrogen levels. High estrogen can even put a male at risk for developing prostate cancer, which is something that men should do all they can to avoid.

The basic symptoms of high estrogen are depression, anxiety and mood swings. If you have been calm and happy throughout your entire life until recently, then maybe you suffer from some sort of hormone imbalance. Sleeping problems and memory loss are also common in males with high levels of estrogen, as many men have reported to wake up throughout the night and/or have a hard time falling asleep.

Another thing that men with high estrogen will face is often rapid weight gain, and yes, we are talking about putting on pounds fat. Estrogen and fat go together, if you have a lot of body fat then you probably have high levels of estrogen. If you have high levels of estrogen then you are at risk for putting on body fat quickly, more so than if you had a lot of muscle mass.

Men with low testosterone and high estrogen levels are often irritable, as this is a serious hormone imbalance which effects one's mood. Men with high estrogen will have little to no desire for sex, and so low libido is probably the first symptom that men realize.

Finally, gyno or "man boobs" is the most severe symptom of high estrogen in men. Gyno is also the most feared symptom of low T and high estrogen. When one develops gyno the only cure is surgery or serious medications which don't always work. Unless you have extremely high amounts of estrogen it is not likely that you will develop gyno, many cases of gyno are from bodybuilders after a cycle of steroids. This is because their body has stopped making its own testosterone and they have a ton of excess estrogen, but not everyone is prone to getting gyno.

Estrogen is hard to fight off with supplements, it's all about making the right lifestyle choices and avoiding stress when possible. Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep if you want to keep your estrogen levels low. However, if you are suffering from high levels of estrogen you can try Estrogen Detox from RAW Forest Foods. It will get rid of your estrogen dominance and encourage your body to produce more testosterone instead of estrogen.

Simple ways for men to boost testosterone...

Want to boost your testosterone naturally, so you can see better results in the gym? Lift heavier weight, run faster and make yourself feel young again by boosting your natural testosterone levels. There are many great supplements on the market right now and most of them are actually pretty good, as long as you follow an effective workout routine and eat healthy.

People think supplements can make everything work, but you still have to do the work and train for your goal. So, if you want to lose weight then train to lose weight, but remember that you still need muscle mass to help your body burn even more fat. The more muscle you have means the more calories you will burn everyday, because muscles will use a good deal of calories.

If you are exercising and eating healthy, then you should consider purchasing a testosterone booster like Battle Fuel XT or Anabolic Freak. Most testosterone booster supplements include the ingredients DAA, vitamin D and ZMA.

Eat oysters as much as possible, as they are highly recommended as the best testosterone boosting food. The reason that oysters can boost your test production is simple; they contain many amino acids, along with zinc and protein. Even supplements like TestoFuel contain oyster extract as a main ingredient, because it works!

When you go to the gym try to focus on the big lifts, like bench presses, squats and deadlifts. Don't skip out on other compound exercises like military presses, bent over barbell rows and lunges. The big lifts will promote the release of growth hormones and testosterone, especially if you keep increasing the amount of weight you lift every week.

Eat healthy and cut your calories if you are overweight, because losing body fat will help you raise test levels as well. Junk foods can harm your body's test levels, so make sure to eat clean and get an adequate amount of protein. Avoid fast food and junk food all together, while focusing more on whole foods and foods high in protein. If you follow all of these steps you will see a huge increase in testosterone, no matter how old you are! No matter how old you are you can lift weights and get in shape, don't let age hold you back!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Symptoms of Low Testosterone - What Happens when you have Low Testosterone Levels

There are quite a few symptoms of low testosterone, but the most noticeable ones are probably erectile dysfunction, low libido, lack of energy and an overall feeling of weakness. Many people will think they have low testosterone when they don't, simply because these symptoms are commonly related to other diseases and health conditions. The only way to really find out if you suffer from low testosterone is to take a blood test, so if your testosterone levels are below or around 300 ng/dL then they are too low.

The effects of low testosterone will become noticeable as one ages, and by the time a man is 35 he can expect his levels of test to drop naturally for the rest of his lifetime. This is normal, but it can still be prevented if you eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis. Exercise is great because it will also prevent or help with depression, which is a common side effect of low testosterone.

If you are tired all the time even though you are getting a good amount of sleep then it is also possible that you have low T. Think about it, if you are over the age of 35, tired all the time, and suffer from low libido then you most likely have low test levels. Which is nothing to panic about, because there are so many ways for men to increase their test levels and there is even testosterone replacement therapy which your doctor can help you with.

There are many cases where someone will exercise and still have low testosterone, this is because they are doing too much cardio and not enough heavy resistance training. Strength training routines are best for increasing testosterone, while cardio workouts can actually cause a mass production of cortisol in the body, which will lower T.

According to the ADA, 70% of men with low test suffer from erectile dysfunction, and about 63% of men have low libido. Healthy lifestyle changes can prevent this from occuring, but some people will need TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) in order to cure their ED and libido.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why you don't want low testosterone levels...

Having low testosterone can be harmful to your health, and this isn't exclusive to men - women's testosterone should still be in optimal ranges. Low testosterone can put you at risk for more health conditions, and you will begin to notice the effects of low testosterone once you are middle aged. Low testosterone can be caused by many things, from thyroid problems to health conditions that aren't even related to hormones. Many men suffer from low T simply because they consume too much alcohol and fail to manage their stress levels. Stress and alcohol are common causes of low testosterone in both men and women.

So, if you feel tired all the time, have low libido and suffer from a great deal of stress then maybe you should take a blood test to see if you have low testosterone. Low testosterone will literally take away your manliness, at least physically. Testosterone is responsible for putting hair on your chest, and low levels of testosterone will lead to weak bones and erectile dysfunction. 

So now you are probably wondering what you can do to prevent or treat low testosterone. Don't worry, you have many choices and natural ways to boost your T levels. First of all, if you are young you should consider joining a gym and working out on a regular basis, as this will ensure that your testosterone levels stay high throughout your life. No matter how old you are, start working out and give your body a reason to produce more T. When I say work out, I mean lifting free weights, not using machines and performing bodyweight exercises. I'm not saying bodyweight exercises won't help, but you should always incorporate free-weights into your exercise routine to maximize testosterone levels.

There are so many supplements that claim to boost testosterone, it's hard to determine which ones actually work and which ones are a waste of money. I always check the reviews on Amazon to determine which product is the best, however it appears that DAA and pine pollen supplements are the real deal when it comes to natural supplements that boost T. Eating healthy fats (think olive oil and peanuts) will encourage your body to product more testosterone and keep estrogen levels from raising.